The European Climate Foundation wanted to show the audience in Turkey how electricity prices could be lowered by increasing solar and wind capacity instead of relying on coal and fossil gas.
We developed a 360°campaign that focuses on showing the primary value directly and sharing the data simulation briefly while introducing the energy market and receiving feedback from the audience.
We called the campaign Cheaper Electricity (Daha Ucuz Elektrik) and created a minimal visual ecosystem to relate the audience with critical messages which reflect how the electricity bills are more expensive with more fossil fuels while cheaper with solar and wind capacity.
The main channel of the campaign was the Cheaper Electricity (Daha Ucuz Elektrik) website. Constant search engine, social media and outdoor advertising supported the website. It was also transformed into an interactive campaign launch experience to increase visibility.
We targeted the cities with high solar and wind potential and those with coal power plants. The most and least interested audience groups are specified by their age and interests in social media and search engine marketing.
300.000 users visited the website in three months. 225.000 users displayed all of the scenarios. 5.500 users took the survey on the site and indicated they have more in depth knowledge about the issue.